The production of quinoa in Ayacucho has a positive impact on the environment, as it allows the conservation of soil life, erosion risk and biodiversity management. Know these environmental benefits, their indicators and their sub-indicators.
Conservation of soil life
Crop rotation is the recurrent and regular succession of different crops on the same ground over time. This practice increases the availability of nutrients, improves soil structure and biological activity, and reduces the incidence of pests. However, the success of crop rotation depends on the selection and sequence of crops to be rotated.
Crop diversification is that type of agriculture that uses multiple crops in the same space, mimicking the diversity of natural ecosystems, and avoiding the large supports of single harvestsIncorporated organic matter.
The incorporation of organic matter is that which in the soils allows to improve the fertility and structure of the same, also helping the plant development through a series of physical, chemical and biological actions that exerts on the soil and physiological on the plant.
Erosion risk
Preparing the ground for the sustainable system is one that preserves the quantity and quality of its soils. Also, the reduction of soil quality and productivity can be caused by physical, chemical and biological processes.
The production system is the set of components that interact with each other. The arrangement of components and subsystems provides the system with their structural properties, while changes in matter, energy or information represent their functional properties.
A prevailing slope at a point in the terrain is defined as the angle between the normal vector to the surface at that point and the vertical. It is also known as the inclination of the terrain with respect to its horizontal plane that passes through its base and is expressed in percentage for the present case.
The vegetation cover provides the soil with protection against climatic agents and reduces the risk of erosion. The vegetation cover constitutes a sustainable soil management practice; it favors its biological activity, preserves its biodiversity and prevents its deterioration.
Biodiversity management
The conservation of quinoa varieties is important, since monoculture and specialization cause the loss of local varieties or ecotypes of high genetic value. The introduction of improved varieties is gradually or totally displacing local quinoa varieties and ecotypes of high genetic value.
Pest management is one of the environmental benefits because it influences the presence of arthropods in the production system. If preventive insecticide applications are carried out, predators are less likely to be present in the system.
Quality seed management is key to ensuring high yield and quality in harvests. The genetic, sanitary, physical and sanitary quality of seeds will provide the system with less dependence on external inputs and less negative impact on agro-ecosystems.