The production of quinoa in Ayacucho has a positive impact on the social aspect, since it allows the satisfaction of basic needs, acceptability of the production system, social integration and technical assistance and training. Know these social benefits, their indicators and their sub-indicators.
Satisfaction of basic needs
Housing that protects them from inclement weather and other threats.
The level of education, as educated farmers can better interpret and respond to information or introduction of a new production technology. In addition, to take advantage of new opportunities to diversify sources of income.
Access to health and health coverage, as most development activities affect the environment to a greater or lesser degree, which in turn causes many health problems. It also depends on favourable environmental conditions, including an adequate supply of water and sanitation, plus a secure supply of food and appropriate nutrition.
Access to basic services, such as drinking water, sewage and electricity.
Acceptability of the production system
The level of producer satisfaction is determined by the farmer’s utility or satisfaction and this satisfaction is derived from the characteristics of the technology and its importance to the farmer.
The production system used in the high Andean zone of the country determines the degree of dependence or autonomy of external inputs, as well as risk management strategies against climate threats.
Social integration
Associativity is a social faculty of individuals to group together to join efforts and respond collectively in their daily activities. A producer integrated with social organizations is considered to be less vulnerable within the socio-economic context and can be maintained over time.
Level of technical assistance and training
Through local knowledge, they sustain productivity on often marginal lands through complex and innovative land management techniques. This indicator measures the relevance of training and technical assistance plans and programmes provided by the public and private sectors.